Ordlös Liturgi
Ella Cronberg tog examen från Kungliga Musikhögskolan sommaren 2023. Hon avslutade då ett kandidatprogram i Jazzsång och lät sitt examensarbete kretsa kring ordlös jazzimprovisation över svenska kyrkans mässordning. Ett projekt som resulterade i ett utforskande och rotande i sin kristna bakgrund, viktiga samtal, kreativa stunder och en helt fantastisk examenskonsert. Ta del av såväl hennes konsert som hennes uppsats här.
Uppsatsen beskrivs med följande abstract
“In this project, I have explored how one can musically shape and compose wordless music within the jazz genre with inspiration from the liturgy of the Church of Sweden. Inspiration was taken from various parts of the Mass, previously set liturgy, as well as my own references to the various parts. Each liturgical part was then assigned a keyword based on the gathered information and personal thoughts associated with each part.
I discuss the role of vocal performance as a wordless form of expression both in the context of the church and for me as a musician. I also discuss the connection between the compositions and the liturgy, and how I have chosen to align the work to the traditional order of the Mass.
In conclusion, I explain how this work has affected me as a musician and a person and how I wish it to be received. ”
Ella Cronberg, sångerska, kompostiör och tidigare student på KMH
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