Också kvinnornas lärare
Klara Avaheden (fd Hurtig), är religionslärare och har i sin uppsats Också kvinnornas lärare utforskat Jesus som rabbi för kvinnor och män. Det är en fantastisk bearbetning av den historiska kontexten med mustiga uttalanden som “”May the words of the Torah be burned rather than be given to women!” av Rabbi Eleazer. Nyanserat sätts Jesus in i kontexten och visar på hur han fungerar som lärare både för kvinnor och män. Någonting viktigt att lyfta in för dig som stöter på en ensidig beskrivning av kristen tro som mansdominerad i dina studier.
Håll till godo och inspireras.
Såhär beskriver Klara sin uppsats i sitt abstract:
“The main purpose of this essay is to examine how Jesus as a rabbi relates to the women among his followers, in comparison to the general attitude towards women in his time. This is primarily done by answering the following questions: (1) What opportunities did Jewish women have for education during the Second Temple Judaism? Could women become disciples of a rabbi? (2) How did Jesus relate to the women who followed him? Were these considered his disciples whom he personally taught?
The first part of the analysis focuses on women’s status and education in ancient Judaism. The second part highlights women disciples in the gospels of Luke and John. My conclusion is that during the Second Temple Judaism, women in general did not have access to the education systems that were provided to men. A general misogynistic attitude among rabbis made it impossible for women to become disciples. Jesus’ affirmation of female disciples and his priority of discipleship over housework and motherhood, thus appear very controversial in his time.
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inom ramen för vårt bransch-arbete.
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